
Historical and Contemporary


  1. Gertrude Emerson, Distinctly American Pottery, Marblehead Pottery, The Craftsman, Volume 29, No. 6 (October 1915 - March 1916), pages 671-73.

  2.  Herbert J. Hall, Keramic Studio, Volume X. No. 2, June 1908, pages 30-31.

  3. MARBLEHEAD POTTERY: An American Industrial Art of Distinction, The Marblehead Potteries, Marblehead, MA 1919

  4. Anonymous, The Pottery at Marblehead: The Exquisite Work Produced on the Massachusetts Coast, Arts and Decoration, Vol. 1, # 11, September 1911, pages 448-449

  5. Herbert J Hall and Mertice M. C. Buck, The Work of Our Hands: A study for Invalids, Mofat, Yard & Company, 1915

  6. Herbert J Hall and Mertice M. C. Buck, Handicrafts for the Handicapped, The American Magazine of art, Vol.8, # 7, May 1917, p 294

  7. Charles F. Binns, Pottery in America Volume VII, February 1916 Number 4 pages 131-135


  1. Marilee Boyd Meyer and Susan J. Montgomery,   “Marblehead Pottery: Simplicity and Restraint”

     American Ceramic Circle Journal, 14(2008): 153-174

  2. Gail Pike Hercher, Marblehead Pottery, Marblehead Magazine, Fall 1980 :21-23

  3. Margaret Carney. Not just another library: The Arthur E. Baggs Memorial Library Collection at The Ohio State University, Exhibition Catalogue, 1998.

  4. Margaret Carney, The last days of Marblehead, Style 1900, Winter/Spring February 2000, Volume 13, Number 1, pages 64-69

  5. David Rago and Suzanne Perrault, Miller's: American Art Pottery: How to Compare & Value (Miller's Treasure Or Not), August 20, 2002

  6. Jonathan Clancy and Martin Eidelberg, Beauty in Common Things: American Arts and Crafts Pottery from the Two Red Roses Foundation, 2008, pages 81-93

  7.  Martin Eidelberg and Jonathan Clancy. Arts and Crafts Pottery From the Collection of the Two Red Roses Foundation. 2017, pages 104-121.

  8. Ulysses Grant Dietz, Masterpieces of Art Pottery 1880-1930, Newark Museum, 2009,  70-71

  9. Jonathan Clancy and Martin Eidelberg, Marblehead Revisited: The Myth of Hannah Tutt, Style 1900, Winter 2008-2009, Vol. 21, No. 4, pages 62-69

  10. Dorothy Lamoureux, Marblehead pottery, Journal of the American Art Pottery Association Volume IV No. 2, February 1989, Pages 6-14

  11. Amelia E. Mac Swiggan, The Marblehead Pottery, Spinning Wheel, March 1972, Pages 20-21

  12. Ronald Rompkey, Jessie Luther at the Grenfell Mission, McGill-Queens University Press, 2001

  13. JMW Gallery, Affirmation and Discovery: A Centennial Exhibition and Sale , 1997.

  14. Gail Pike Hercher, The work cure at Devereux Mansion, Essex Institute Historical Collections Salem: The Essex Institute, April 1980.

  15. Brandon K Rudd, Art Institute of Chicago Museum Studio, Vol. 35, # 2, Notable Acquisition at the Art Institute of Chicago, 2009, pages 16-17, 92-93

  16. Dr. Herbert J Hall: Originator of Honest Work for Occupational Therapy 1904-1923, Vol 19(3), 2005

  17. Roberta Stokes Persick, Arthur Eugene Baggs, American Potter, Dissertation at The Ohio State University, 1963

  18. Alice Cooney Frelinghuysen, Martin Eidelberg, Adrienne Spinozzi, American Art Pottery: The Robert A. Ellison Jr. Collection, The mMetropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 2018, pages 240-244.

  19. Susan Hall Anthony, Dr. Herbert J. Hall: Originator of Honest work for Occupational Therapy 1904-1923 [Part I], Occupational Therapy in Health Care, Vol. 19(3) 2005, pages 3-19

  20. Susan Hall Anthony, Dr. Herbert J. Hall: Originator of Honest work for Occupational Therapy 1904-1923 [Part II], Occupational Therapy in Health Care, Vol. 19(3) 2005, pages 21-32

  21. Ken Forster, Biographies in American Ceramic Art 1870-1970 2010

  22. Martin Eidelberg, Arthur E Baggs chapter in Margaret Carney, Charles Fergus Binns, Hudson Hills Press, New York, 1998, Pages213-214

  23. Jacqueline Mara Lynch, Street Guide to the Greater Goldthwait Neighborhood, Marblehead, Massachusetts, 2016